2nd Term Exam 2024 Class
6thA Duration:
3 Hours Total Marks: 65
_______________________ Name:
___________________ Paper: English (B)
Q1: Write
in a singular and Plural 10
Hill, Field, Roof, Monkey, Price, Ring, Mile, Spring, Bell, Queen.
Q 2: Write in a Masculine and Feminine. 10
King, Ram, Nephew, Elder brother, Bride Room, Host, Actor, Drone, Lad, Horse.
Q 3: What is Sentence 05
Q 4: Part
of Sentence. 10
Q 5: An
Application for leave to attend Marriage 10
An Application for an urgent Piece
of work at home.
Q 6: Write in Essay. 10
Morning Walk OR My
Q 7: Write in Story. 10
The Greedy Dog OR Thirsty Crow