Which of the following is proper noun?
ⓐ book
ⓑ City
ⓒ John
ⓓ dog
Which of the following is a common noun?
ⓐ London
ⓑ Eiffel tower
ⓒ teacher
ⓓ Assad
Which of the following is a collective noun?
ⓐ team
ⓑ apple
ⓒ mountain
ⓓ happiness
Which of the following is not an abstract noun?
ⓐ bravery
ⓑ freedom
ⓒ pencil
ⓓ dream
Which noun represents the group of people,
animals, or things?
ⓐ proper noun
ⓑ common noun
ⓒ collective noun
ⓓ Abstract noun
Which of the following nouns is not an abstract
ⓐ intelligence
ⓑ music
ⓒ happiness
ⓓ pencil
Identify the proper noun in the sentence: Alice
visited the museum in Paris
ⓐ Alice
ⓑ museum
ⓒ visited
none of these
What is the plural form of potato?
ⓐ potatoes
ⓑ potaoes
ⓒ potato
ⓓ potates
What type of noun is friendship?
ⓐ proper noun
ⓑ common noun
ⓒ Abstract
ⓓ collective
10. What is the
plural of “baby?
ⓐ babies
ⓑ babys
ⓒ babyes
ⓓ babis
11. What is the plural of “leaf?
ⓐ leaves
ⓑ leafes
ⓒ leaffes
ⓓ leavies
12. What is the
plural form of “knife”
ⓐ knifes
ⓑ knive
ⓒ knives
ⓓ knifs
13. Which word
has the correct plural form of “ roof?
ⓐ roofs
ⓑ rooves
ⓒ roofes
ⓓ roofies
14. Which of the
following words has two acceptable plurals form?
ⓐ hoof
ⓑ life
ⓒ wife
ⓓ tomato
15. What is the
plural form of “echo”?
ⓐ echos
ⓑ echoes
ⓒ echocs
ⓓ echies
16. What is the
plural form of “candy”?
ⓐ candys
ⓑ candies
ⓒ candyes
ⓓ candi
17. Which of the
following is the correct plural form of“ belief?
ⓐ belief
ⓑ believes
ⓒ beliefes
ⓓ both a” b”
18. What is the
plural form of“ calf?
ⓐ calfs
ⓑ calves
ⓒ calfes
ⓓ calvies
19. What is the
plural form of “child”?
ⓐ childs
ⓑ children
ⓒ childrens
ⓓ cheelds
20. Which of the
following words is in its singular form?
ⓐ cities
ⓑ dogs
ⓒ child
ⓓ men
21. What is the
plural form of “ mouse”?
ⓐ miece
ⓑ mice
ⓒ mices
ⓓ mouses
22. What is the
plural form of ”tooth”?
ⓐ teeth
ⓑ tooths
ⓒ teeths
ⓓ teethes
23. Which of the
following forms is correct in its plural form?
ⓐ sheeps
ⓑ foots
ⓒ mices
ⓓ women
24. What is the
plural form of “cactus”?
ⓐ cactuses
ⓑ cacti
ⓒ cactusses
ⓓ cactus
25. What is the
singular form of bacteria?
ⓐ bacteria
ⓑ bacterium
ⓒ bacterias
ⓓ becteriums
26. Which of the
following words is in its plural form?
ⓐ leaf
ⓑ woman
ⓒ child
ⓓ feet